Who (or What) is in Your Navigator’s Seat As You Start 2020?

As a coach, I feel like a navigator – in the front passenger seat with GPS tools and the freedom to look around. I have access to information and perspectives without the pressure to perform that my client faces. When a coaching session goes well, my client clarifies priorities and is energized to act on them. I believe we can all be better navigators for ourselves if we focus on what is most important. Here are two universally useful guides, always at your disposal, to complement your situation-specific considerations.

Your Top 2 or 3 Personal Values: When you know what core values you most want to embody in how you show up, and you remember them under pressure, they can guide your behavior when things get tough. For example, when I remember how important collaboration is to the way I want to contribute and be in the world, I am a more valuable partner, listener and learner. A silent identity-based mantra can further reinforce your values as a personal compass. For example, when I remember that “I am the kind of professional who always aims to be collaborative,” certain choices become clearer to me (even if I don’t always get it right).

Your Central Purpose: By tapping the breaks when I find myself excited, anxious or moving too fast, I can zoom out beyond the challenge at hand and see the bigger end game and my role in getting there. A full sense of results-oriented purpose can be job-specific, project-specific or personal and timeless. When we are clear about it, we have the conviction and courage to show up in valuable ways that are not in our habitual comfort zone, not ego-driven, and not short-sighted. A purpose focus can even make difficult choices feel easier to carry out.

So… before the end of January, are you motivated to identify 2 or 3 top personal values (download Brene Brown’s list of values as a reference) and 1 or 2 purpose statements that can guide you? Whatever you do, don’t let troublemakers like fear or guilt be your navigators!