My Services

Executive Coaching

Coaching is transformational for top executives and rising managers who want to make sustainable gains in their effectiveness and personal growth while also improving organizational dynamics and results.  My clients embrace new choices, practices, and confidence that bring out their better selves in service to their leadership priorities.

As a thought partner to leaders, I bring two decades of nonprofit coaching experience.  I can help you more usefully understand your goals, assumptions, motivations, and options for deeper understanding and clarity.  Depending upon your top priorities, I suggest practical tools and approaches that will fit your strengths, challenges, context, and preferences.

Learn more about my coaching process here. And contact me directly to set up an exploratory call.

"I addressed things that had been holding me back for years."
Retreat Design & Facilitation

When existing meetings fail to advance important goals, decisions, and organizational changes, retreats are a powerful way for leaders to take strategic thinking to a new level of insight and rigor and to take team alignment and collaboration to new highs. Among other benefits, the retreats I have designed and facilitated have reset alignment among key decision-makers, brought fresh conviction and commitment to difficult decisions, and real-time “practice” at better team communications. Importantly, a great retreat can yield realistic game plans with clear next steps.

I partner with clients on board retreats, staff retreats, and specialized management sessions, always with a focus on well-defined outcomes and always incorporating a client’s existing knowledge and expertise. Contact me directly if you want to describe your retreat needs or to set up an exploratory call.

"Hilary’s work has been extraordinary… a key contributor to the success of our strategic planning process and board retreat."
~ Board Chair, National Nonprofit
Team Workshops

Are you part of a team that is not living up to its full collective potential or feels stuck behind some unaddressed issues and habits? Perhaps your team’s composition or responsibilities have shifted, or larger organizational changes are putting new demands on your team. Working harder with the current norms and knowledge is just not sufficient or sustainable. Even high performing teams need care and feeding.

A customized team workshop can focus on things like role clarity, understanding different communication styles, interdependencies, and core processes. My workshops can also address team culture factors like transparency, inclusion, resource allocation, and accountability.

Workshops I design and facilitate are often informed by the findings of a team survey or an assessment like Myers-Briggs. They can also focus on building skills that strengthen teamwork, such as decision-making, progress tracking, or giving and receiving feedback. Contact me directly if you have questions about a possible workshop or to set up an exploratory call.

"Hilary played a crucial role in guiding our nonprofit team. She encouraged meaningful dialogue and creative problem-solving, ensuring that our team felt empowered to implement."
Leadership Development

On-the-job learning and growth cannot always cover all the bases or improve staff performance fast enough. If you have staff that need to getter better at leading and managing others, a customized leadership development (LD) program can provide a valuable boost. A focused LD offering can involve one session or a series of cohort-based sessions. When the development is experiential in a group setting, the training tends to go deeper and be more sustainable than what a rising leader can get from a supervisor or mentor.

I design and deliver participatory sessions that focus on the leadership and personal growth and management skills that are most important to a particular cohort or team. Programs are tailored and incorporate different learning methods that can include assessments, job-related solo work, and other activities outside of the sessions. The time commitment and assignments are right-sized to the situation and desired outcomes. Contact me directly if you want to discuss how I might support your LD goals.

"I saw immediate results when I identified what my personal challenges and hot buttons were. In less than a year, I got the promotion I had been seeking."
Are you ready to invest in your leadership and your team?

We all have better versions of ourselves waiting to be activated.

Let's Talk!
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